# 1 Where Are My People?

Ah, the thrilling world of blogging – a realm I never thought I'd venture into. I mean, who even reads blogs anymore? Besides my obligatory work-related one, of course. Is blogging still a thing?  Well, for better or worse, here I am, poised to embark on this digital journey. My aim is to gain one subscriber: A solitary soul who sees value in dedicating precious moments of their life to peruse my structured yet delightfully chaotic posts. Could that be you? 

This saga began with the daunting task of conjuring up a name for my little corner of the internet. (I actually think that sounds pretty cool, you know- having a corner of the internet!)  The very thought makes me wonder who wouldn't want a blog? After four grueling days of contemplation (and maybe a few existential crises), I settled on the name "Neuro-Networked." Because, you know, why settle for a simple name when you can cram all your interests into one ambiguous title? To be clear, I'm obsessed. It's so me.  I actually think it is the best title for a blog that ever existed. 

"Neuro-Networked" encapsulates everything that captures my intellectual interests: God's divine design of the human brain, the intricacies of individual and social neuro networks, and the delightful chaos of participatory culture in the context of organizational learning and performance. Its name conveys the words brain, learning, change, personal & professional development, collaboration, technology, and continuous improvement across social learning platforms. What can I say? I'm a complex creature, and I know what I like. Surely, I'm not the only one in the world with these interests. That's where you come in. If I am going to make this blogging thing work, well.. I kind of need readers so...

If you have reached this far in the "Blog," well... I hate to break it to you, but you are my people. You read the title, you knew I was looking for you. And here you are. Welcome! Dear reader, it looks like I have successfully hooked you, and you will now be subject to learning and exploration with me in my next riveting installment and beyond. You know you have to do it now, right.. Subscribe? Smash the button, ring the bell, or do the things that blog followers do to be notified so you don't miss out!

Since we are friends now, please introduce yourself below and comment what draws your interest to stay. I'm curious about the kind of people you are, intrigued by what draws your interest to my musings.


  1. Hi! You have such a great writing style. I loved reading this post. It drew me in right away! My nom de plume for this course is Lotta S. Kaos. Mostly because my life is full of a lot of chaos right now and my real name starts with S. :) This is my last semester in the ISLT program and I am excited to follow your journey through this class and this marvelously named blog!

  2. Hi Laura,
    Big shout out to your first post and the creative blog name! Your enthusiasm for your various interests shines through, and you're off to a fantastic start with your blogging journey. It's exciting to think about all the concepts related to "network" that we'll be exploring in this course – from social networks to personal learning networks and networked knowledge. These ideas are so fascinating, and I can't wait to dive deeper into them with you. By the end of the course, I’m sure we'll all have a much richer understanding of these networks. Looking forward to learning together!

  3. Hi, Laura! Like my classmates above, I was drawn in by the tone/style of your writing & by the interests you described--I look forward to reading more!

  4. Hi Laura, it would be interesting and helpful to follow up with your coming posts. I am a meditation trainer and practitioner. Exploring mind-heart mechanism is always of my interest. It can be tricky a bit to link it with our course web 2.0? Intrigued by the blog name Neuro Networked, I clicked it and found out it is you! We have been in some classes before. I remember your talent and interest in brain training field and your critical constructive feedbacks in assignments.


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