Microlearning Pt III: Does it Work?

Welcome back, my neuro networkers! Last time, we had a thrilling discussion about how long microlearning should be and what modalities it should include. Today, let's cut to the chase and address the burning question: Does it actually work? Do you genuinely learn anything from these bite-sized nuggets of wisdom?

Recent research suggests that students welcome microlearning experiences. Who would’ve thought they’d enjoy short, bite-sized learning modules? And the best part? Learners actually do well with microlearning. It turns out that this might be because it reduces cognitive load. Microlearning allows learners to retain more information through a sense of control, which enhances motivation, retention, confidence, and achievement.So, does it work? Absolutely. But remember, keep it short (under 25 minutes), use solid instructional design principles, and mix up your modalities. Think videos, interactive activities, discussions—whatever keeps things fresh and engaging. Here’s a freebie for you: include a micro-badge, and you’ve just won the motivation of your learners!

To recap everything: Microlearning isn’t just about breaking a course into pieces and calling it a day. It’s about thoughtful design and prioritizing the learner first, content second, and technology third. It's like snacking on knowledge instead of sitting down for a three-course meal—bite-sized, easily digestible, and often leaving you wanting more. 


  1. Hi Laura, it is interesting to note about how long should a micro learning session last (under 25 mins). I come up with a question: what is the approach to combine micro learning and other formal learning experience, which can take much longer time? It is not feasible to expect all experiences to be micro learning though. Or if we refer to microlearning as a method, it is feasible to chunk content and break down activities in longer sessions.


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