
Showing posts from July, 2024

Introduction to Personal Learning Networks Pt 3

Getting a handle on a Personal Learning Network (PLN) can feel like piecing together a unique puzzle. PLNs connect you with people who share your interests, offering a space to learn from creative minds. They make informal learning fun and flexible, thanks to online tools that bring global resources to your fingertips. To get the best out of your PLN, think of it as hosting a friendly get-together—reflect on what you want to learn, set goals, and keep the conversation flowing. By embracing your PLN, you can build a network that supports your personal and professional growth, just like your favorite comfy jeans. Dive in, enjoy the connections, and let your PLN work its magic!

Introduction to Personal Learning Networks Pt 2

In Personal Learning Networks (PLNs), resources come in all shapes and sizes—websites, text documents, photos, videos, and even contact info. This diversity ensures you’ll find what you need, no matter your interests. The real power of a PLN lies in its members. Regular communication, engaging discussions, and sharing resources keep the network dynamic and collaborative. From exchanging tips to mentoring and working on projects together, members of all skill levels contribute to a vibrant learning environment. Experts within PLNs are particularly valuable, providing guidance and insights in an informal setting. They help others enhance their understanding and skills. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to deepen your expertise, your PLN is there to support you every step of the way.

Introduction to Personal Learning Networks Pt 1

Defining a Personal Learning Network (PLN) can be a bit like trying to describe a general favorite playlist—everyone’s is different. Whether you’re interested in baking, tech, or history, there’s a PLN tailored just for you. Think of a PLN as a friendly group of experts and enthusiasts who are ready to share advice, tools, and opportunities. Unlike traditional classrooms with structured lessons, PLNs offer a more relaxed, informal personalized approach to learning. In a PLN, you get to steer your own learning journey. So, if you’re keen to master a new skill or explore a passion, your PLN is there to support you. Dive in and enjoy the journey! 🚀📚

Digitally Divided Pt 3: What does it mean for ID's?

 So, what does the digital divide mean for instructional designers or those creating digital learning materials? First and foremost, it means considering internet, computer, and smartphone access. When designing learning for global audiences, accessibility should be a top priority. Knowing that some parts of the world lack adequate internet access, we must consider the reach of our global learning initiatives. In areas where internet access is low, instructional designers should explore alternative and accessible learning materials. For instance, downloadable content or offline resources can bridge the gap. To address gender disparities in technology access, designers can create learning materials with a gender-neutral tone, making the content inviting for all genders. This small change can have a big impact on inclusivity. To combat age-related differences in technology use, instructional designers can simplify and make technology components intuitive. This ensures that learners of al

Digitally Divided Pt 2: Technology use Across Gender, Age, & Education Around the Globe

The digital division doesn’t stop at geographical location. Oh no, it extends to age, gender, and education across the globe, too. Just when you thought it was safe to assume everyone was equally obsessed with cat videos and viral dances, think again! Let’s talk age first. Across the globe, 18-36 year-olds are more likely to use the internet than their older counterparts. So, if you see Grandma struggling with emojis, give her a break—she's still mastering the fine art of text messaging! In many less developed countries, there’s a staggering 50% gap between the younger and older generations. It's like the internet is a secret club for the young and hip, and seniors need a special invite (or at least a patient grandchild). Education is another dividing factor in internet use. Those with more education are more likely to be online, browsing the web, and Googling the answers to life's burning questions. It’s almost as if the internet is a reward for enduring years of school—co

Digitally Divided Pt 1: Internet Usage Across the Globe

Today, we turn our attention to the fascinating world of social media use across the globe. One would think that social media usage is consistent no matter where you are geographically, but that’s far from the case. Despite the rise of smartphone usage, the world remains digitally divided. Can you even imagine that? Here I am thinking that the internet, smart phones, and social media are found in every hand in the world! Here’s the scoop: people in wealthier countries have higher rates of internet and smartphone ownership. While someone in Silicon Valley might be live-tweeting their every meal, someone in a remote village might be lucky to get a signal strong enough to send a single text. It's like comparing a high-speed race car to a horse and buggy in the digital age. So next time you're scrolling through your feed, just remember: not everyone is posting selfies from a café with ultra-fast Wi-Fi. 

Building Web Presence as a Educational Learning Design & Performance Expert: PT 3

Hey there, Neuro-Networked Community! We’ve covered why a web presence is crucial and the risks of not having one. Now, let’s roll up our sleeves and get to the fun part: building your digital kingdom! Start simple: a LinkedIn account is your new best friend. Think of it as your professional playground where you can showcase your skills and connect with industry bigwigs. Next, we already covered creating your personal website? Did you do it yet? Platforms like Wix, Weebly, and WordPress make it easy-peasy. I created mine on Go Daddy! Fill it with your resume, projects, and even a blog where you share insights and resources. Want more? Engage in social networking, share resources, and optimize for search engines. Imagine hiring managers googling you and finding a treasure trove of your achievements. So, get out there, share your brilliance, and watch as your web presence opens doors you never knew existed. Happy web weaving!                               

Building Web Presence as a Educational Learning Design & Performance Expert: PT 2

Hello again, Neuro-Networked Community! Last time we chatted about the why of web presence. Now, let’s dive into the dark side: what happens when you’re a digital ghost. Imagine a search committee Googling your name and finding… nothing. Cue the horror music! An empty search might make you seem like a tech dinosaur! People might think you're hiding under a rock, or worse, have something to hide. For tech disciplines, your web presence is a mirror of your skills and savvy. No presence can mean missed job opportunities, skepticism from potential collaborators, and a general "meh" vibe. So, let’s avoid that sad trombone sound effect and start building your online empire! Before diving into the web-building adventure, pick a tool that suits your needs and skill level. Here are some user-friendly options to consider: Wix : Great for beginners, with a drag-and-drop interface. Weebly : Another drag-and-drop builder that's easy to use. WordPress : Perfect for those wanting m

Building Web Presence as a Educational Learning Design & Performance Expert: PT 1

Hey there, learning professionals of the Neuro-Networked Community! Ever feel like you're shouting into the void, hoping someone hears your brilliance? That’s where a strong web presence comes in! Think of it as your digital handshake—crucial for making a lasting impression. Web presence isn’t just about looking fancy online. Employers today aren’t just skimming through resumes; they’re sleuthing the internet to validate your claims. This modern-day “social proof” can be the difference between landing that dream job or being ghosted by recruiters. Remember, an empty Google search can scream "outdated," "lazy," or even "hiding something"—yikes! Especially in tech-savvy fields like ours, showing off your web skills is non-negotiable. So, let's get you out there, shining bright!

Building Community: Privacy Concerns

  Designing Safe Online Spaces: Navigating Privacy with a Smile Designing safe online spaces is like preparing for a big dinner party—you want everything to go smoothly, but you also need to make sure no one spills the beans (or data). As you create these digital environments, keeping privacy concerns front and center is key. Imagine online communities as a mix between an open mic night and a private club. Public forums? They’re like shouting into a megaphone—everyone hears you. Private groups? Think of them as VIP lounges where you might still find some sneaky ears. Even in these private corners, the risk of privacy breaches exists, like accidentally sending a personal message to the entire room. In blogging communities, privacy breaches can feel like someone sneaking into your party and taking a bite of every snack. Trust is the glue holding these communities together, so safeguarding user data is essential to keeping that trust intact. So, as you design these online spaces, treat pr

Building Community: What Makes up an Online Community

So, you’ve decided to dip your toes into the world of online communities, eh? Buckle up, because understanding these digital gathering spots is like decoding the recipe for the perfect cookie—minus the flour explosions and sugar high. The Ingredients: What Makes an Online Community Tick Imagine an online community as a fabulous potluck dinner. Everyone’s got their special dish, and together they create a delightful feast of knowledge. According to Etienne Wenger, the grandmaster of Communities of Practice (CoPs), these gatherings thrive on three main ingredients: a shared purpose, active participation, and communal resources. Think of it as the holy trinity of digital socializing.  Membership Dynamics: The Party’s Influx Now, who’s at the party? Well, it’s a bit like a game of musical chairs—members come and go, sometimes joining the dance floor, other times taking a break to grab a virtual snack. They might switch between being the life of the party and the wallflower, depending on ho

Building Community: Online Discussions

Building Online Communities: A Survival Guide for Instructors So, you’re diving into the wild, uncharted waters of online teaching. Congrats! Your mission: to build a thriving online community where learners feel engaged, connected, and excited to participate. But let’s face it—building these digital communities can sometimes feel like trying to herd cats. Here’s a tongue-in-cheek survival guide to making your online learning environment as dynamic as possible. Buckle up! The Holy Trinity: What Every Online Community Needs To kick things off, there are three critical ingredients that you need to make your online community sizzle: Learner Communication: You want your students talking, not just lurking in the shadows. Give them a platform to chat, share, and learn from each other. Interaction: Let’s get those digital discussions rolling! Engagement is key, so aim for more than just a bunch of “good job” comments. Participation: Think of this as the lifeblood of your community. More pa