Building Web Presence as a Educational Learning Design & Performance Expert: PT 1

Hey there, learning professionals of the Neuro-Networked Community! Ever feel like you're shouting into the void, hoping someone hears your brilliance? That’s where a strong web presence comes in! Think of it as your digital handshake—crucial for making a lasting impression.

Web presence isn’t just about looking fancy online. Employers today aren’t just skimming through resumes; they’re sleuthing the internet to validate your claims. This modern-day “social proof” can be the difference between landing that dream job or being ghosted by recruiters. Remember, an empty Google search can scream "outdated," "lazy," or even "hiding something"—yikes! Especially in tech-savvy fields like ours, showing off your web skills is non-negotiable. So, let's get you out there, shining bright!


  1. What great points! I was listening to a podcast recently and they were talking about interviews. One of the hosts said they would look up applicants' social media accounts, and it would often be the deciding factor if a candidate made it to the interview. I like your point about not having a web presence at all! Would that be a good thing, or just raise red flags? These are great things to consider.


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