Digitally Divided Pt 1: Internet Usage Across the Globe

Today, we turn our attention to the fascinating world of social media use across the globe. One would think that social media usage is consistent no matter where you are geographically, but that’s far from the case. Despite the rise of smartphone usage, the world remains digitally divided. Can you even imagine that? Here I am thinking that the internet, smart phones, and social media are found in every hand in the world!

Here’s the scoop: people in wealthier countries have higher rates of internet and smartphone ownership. While someone in Silicon Valley might be live-tweeting their every meal, someone in a remote village might be lucky to get a signal strong enough to send a single text. It's like comparing a high-speed race car to a horse and buggy in the digital age.

So next time you're scrolling through your feed, just remember: not everyone is posting selfies from a cafĂ© with ultra-fast Wi-Fi. 


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